Get your marketing communications right using tools like interactive catalog software, cloud and social media and the numbers of first time and loyal customers that you have could increase substantially. Just as happens with personal relationships, the way you communicate with your current customers and prospects is as important as what you actually say to these individuals. Liked or not, the government might know most about the power of communication.
David Bray, the United States Federal Communications Commission's Chief Information Officer shares that, "Our modern world teems with communication. . . . Some might say communication is what humans do the moment two or more of us are together, be it intentionally or subconsciously. Communication can bring us together, inform us of opportunities or threats, and enable us to rationally discuss coordinated activities. The rise of information technology (IT) means we can do all of these activities faster, with more people, and over greater distances of time and geography. As IT accelerates its global distribution and ubiquitous availability, the importance of assuring the integrity of digital communications become paramount."
Intent is at the heart of marketing communications integrity. As a business owner, you have to sincerely care about the people your organization serves. When delivering marketing communications online, you also have to ensure that your messages go out seamlessly, absent coding glitches. Rather than to take this on manually, your marketing team might prefer to work with interactive catalog software.
Similar to cloud, interactive catalog software doesn't use paper. It also doesn't require you to know or use coding, which is where the numbers of marketing communications glitches are reduced. Because people interpret data differently, it's recommended that you pull several people from different parts of your organization (i.e. sales, marketing) together to offer their input as you build out marketing messages that you want to push out to your niche market.
For example, one of your sales managers might think the organization should lean heavily on interactive catalog software to hook up an ecommerce website, while your marketing director might think the software is best if used to simplify workflow and build or strengthen your brand.
To get the most out of your marketing communications, establish as many marketing platforms as possible. For example, you could get your messages out through social media networks, email marketing, newsletters, brochures, online radio, videos, blogs, images, interactive websites and slide shows. You also might want to continue to use print media platforms to engage as many prospects as possible.
In order to be effective an interactive catalog software program should not only give you the tools to build websites, it should also give you the tools to interact with prospects using mobile devices. The ability to plug products into your brand message is paramount if you want to build a cohesive and holistic message. As a tip, consider reducing your risk of bringing the wrong program in-house by test driving one or more of the marketing programs.
This article was written by Rhonda Campbell, a writer and expert on innovative technology and business solutions.