'; var a2=' '; var a3=' '; switch (r) { case 1: document.write(a1); break; case 2: document.write(a2); break; default: document.write(a3); }

The Android App Development Process

Android apps are simply small programs that enable the app to perform certain tasks. The development of an app may not be as intricate and detailed as the development of desktop computer software, but the process is very similar. This article assumes that the developer has a client (which will most likely be you).

Planning, pre-production, conceptualization and wire framing
You have to start with conceptualizing and wire framing. You need to fully understand the goals of your app and this is done with planning and market research. A solid idea and a plan of action need to be in place at the very beginning. As the developer understands the goals and requirements of the project, he or she can being work developing.
The functionalities of the program are the next thing to be discussed, in which the developer must figure out the features, specifications, platform and feasibility. The developer will often create a wireframe to help his or her clients get to grips with what they want and need.

The design is further developed
Now the app is developed in what is known as the design development phase. This is where an interface design team will define the actual app and check back with the product plan to make sure that all the elements required have been included. They must then account for the functionality, budget and timeline.
They will start by making mock up of the screens that will be present in the app and show them to the clients to see if it is what they want. A few of the functions can also be explained via things such as widgets and navigation on the mock ups. Once the client is okay with the whole process then the developers can move onto the next phase.

The application is then developed
The app development stage now has developers writing programming code for the app. The user interface is usually always created first, and this acts as somewhat of a template in which the programmers add more functions. As each function is created programmatically, it is integrated into the larger program. Once the user interface is created and a few of the basic functions have been added, the developers will start to coordinate with the client to be sure that everything looks and acts the way that the client requires.

The app is finished and tested
Once the programming has been done and the app does as the client desires, it is time to go on a major bug hunt. Three are a whole host of tools and tests that the quality assurance team have to work with. They have to test every aspect of the app to be sure that future problems do not occur. They also have to read the code of the app to be sure it will not break in the future.
Once it is fully tested, free of bugs, and safe from hackers and other malcontents, it can be submitted to the Android market. The app will most likely be tested repeatedly before it is allowed to go onto something such as Google Play or the Android Market. But if your quality assurance team did their job correctly then there is little to worry about.