'; var a2=' '; var a3=' '; switch (r) { case 1: document.write(a1); break; case 2: document.write(a2); break; default: document.write(a3); }

How to Create a Website Without Knowledge of Any HTML Coding?

Creating a website is a great way to share your ideas and thoughts with the world. But if you've never done one, it can seem daunting. There's all that http-dot-whatever and and and how do you get pictures and text in there? Well fear not, this article will help you to grasp the intricacies very quickly!

Domain Name is a Must

Think of your domain name before creating your website. Spend some time on this step because whatever domain name you choose will represent your brand.

Also, choose a domain name that is short enough so you can get matching usernames for Twitter, YouTube along with other Social Media personal data. Branding is everything -- don't rush this step!
And Yes Please don’t get a free domain name like “name.domain.com” as I said Branding is everything. Buy a top level domain only like “.com” or “.in”

Web Hosting is the Next

The web host is the company that houses your site and provides you with space to create web pages, any scripts you can install (forums, shopping carts, blogging, etc.), email addresses, security and so much more.
Hosting companies can overwhelm you with their features, but the majority of them offer the same services. Always start with the cheapest monthly plan because upgrading later is very easy.
After you done with both domain and hosting, add the name servers provided by your hosting company to the DNS settings of your Domain provider.

Start Creating your Website!

How you create your website will completely depend on the kind & type of website you want to create. For example, suppose if you want to create a blog, you can consider the built-in templates that come with the blogging platform like WordPress and Joomla.
No coding experience is required. All you have to do is a simple search for the theme or design you want to use for your site, activate it, make your customizations and woohoo your website is ready to go.
If you don't want to use WordPress or kind of blogging platform, you can create your website using a more manual and traditional method or some web design software like Dreamweaver.
But to use the manual method or even software like Dreamweaver you must have a basic knowledge of coding (literally I mean HTML and CSS).
You can also give a try to online website builders such as 1&1 MyWebsite, Wix.com, Godaddy Web Builder, etc.

Adding Content

You must keep one thing in mind that “Content is the King”. Your content is like a bricks without which no building can be made, so without content no website can be made.
Add some relevant and important content to your website in order to introduce your brand & products in front of the whole world.
You should also add images and videos (if needed) into your website to add some taste to your website. You must know that website is a collection of webpages and webpages are the collection of content.


Testing is the most important part of Web Design process. That’s why whenever you creates a website you must include Testing in the Checklist.
You should test your website on different browsers to ensure the cross-browser compatibility. Check how your website appears in different browsers.
Check all the links in your website. Whether your links are clickable and if yes, do they go to the right place after clicked?
Validate your website code with W3C. W3C stands for World Wide Web Consortium.

Making it Live

After testing, this is the final stage of web design process. You can make your website live by uploading it to your hosting server. To upload your website on the server you can use file transfer tools like Filezilla or CoreFtp. Add the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) credentials given by your hosting provider into the file transfer tools/software and upload your website files easily.
Please note that the home page file of your site should be named to “index.html” (without quotes).